Please Pray For Me

Photo by Ryan, Sunrise, Venice Avenue

Hello, friends and family. God bless you all. I had a concerning doctor appointment yesterday, so I am reaching out for prayer.

The main reason I went to the doctor was due to a painful cyst on the back of my upper right thigh. The doctor examined it and he will be removing it on Monday. He also put me on an antibiotic. Please pray the surgery goes well, and the Lord protects and heals me. It was the first time visiting this doctor because we have new insurance, so he did a complete physical wellness check on me, including an EKG to check my heart. The EKG showed an anomaly in my heart that concerned the doctor, and my heart rate was also below 60.

The doctor asked if anything had happened recently where I had any pain in my chest because the EKG showed something serious had happened. Some of you may remember the event I had back in March where I thought I suffered a heart attack. I told him about that day and how I had a gripping pain in my heart like someone was squeezing it, and how my left arm had gone numb. I let him know I didn’t call for help or go to the hospital, but it lasted for several hours, then went away. He said I should have gotten help because I most likely had a heart attack.

Based on the EKG and what I told him, he set up appointments for me to have blood work done, and have an echocardiogram and stress test to examine my heart. On top of everything else I have suffered over the last almost 10 years with Celiac, and my recent gallbladder surgery in April, this is all a bit shocking and discouraging. I don’t know what happened to my heart, but it’s not looking good.

Please pray prayers of healing, strength, and peace for me. Please pray for my wife and kids too. My daughter asked me last night, “Daddy, you’re not going to die, are you?” I reassured her that God is in control and He is with us. I told her the Lord determines when we take our last breath, and I don’t think I’m going anytime soon.

I have been dealing with fatigue since the gallbladder surgery. I thought it was just from nutrient deficiencies due to Celiac, but maybe it’s my heart too. I don’t know, but whatever the doctor saw on the EKG was enough for him to know I had suffered something with my heart, and he wants to find out what is wrong.

I have been through so much pain and suffering since I was diagnosed with Celiac on 1-6-2012. I am very tired from it all. Please pray the Lord lifts me up and restores me to good health. I just want to be here for my wife and kids. I’m only 43. I hope it’s not my time yet. If it’s the Lord’s will to take me home when I’m young, then so be it, but I pray He heals me and blesses our family with many more years together.

Jesus has brought me this far, and He has been with me through every step of this fiery trial of suffering. I trust Him and love Him, and I know He will never leave me. May His will be done in all things.

To all my brothers and sisters in Christ, thank you for praying for me and my family. May we always make the most of each day and be found pleasing the Lord.

Grace and peace to you all.

Author: Ryan Callahan

Hello, and welcome to my site! I am an independent Christian author (One Man's Very Strange Supernatural Life), blogger, and evangelist for Jesus. My main goal with this blog is to help people come to know Jesus, help people understand the Bible, and to minister to a lost and hurting world. This site is about hope, new beginnings, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love! I'm glad you are here, God bless you! Copyright © 2024 Ryan Callahan. All rights reserved.

97 thoughts on “Please Pray For Me”

  1. Dear Jesus
    I just ask for healing and comfort for Ryan right now. He doesn’t want to live in fear about his health. He just wants to spend some carefree moments, enjoying himself and his family today. Please allow this to happen for our beloved brother in you. Amen.

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  2. Hi Ryan, I just lifted you and your family up in prayer and will continue to do so. Take heart Ryan, a good number of years ago I also experienced pain and weakness and it was discovered that I had a blockage in one of my arteries, which was fixed with stints and I have had no problems ever since, so this could be a blessing. Please keep us posted. Love in Christ – Bruce

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  3. Hi Ryan, praying for you my dear brother. Your last verse is so true. God has you in His hands. At the beginning of the week I said to the Lord that I was just hanging on to Him but God said No My Child I am holding on to you. That’s the truth. God has you and your family in His hands. You can trust Him and His faithfulness. He loves you. May the Grace of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you. Strengthened in your inner man by His power. May you experience His Healing hand and be restored to full health. Be filled with His peace.

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  4. Ryan,
    I pray that God comforts you and your family during this time. Trust in the Lord. He has this. I pray for quick recovery and healing. God Bless you and your family.

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  5. Yahweh Radha, the Lord Ryan’s Healer, we thank you that by the stripes of Jesus, Ryan is healed and healthy. All trauma from the diagnosis of Celiac and the resulting strain on Ryan, his wife, and children be healed in the name of Jesus. His health was secured by Jesus. Thank you for the manifestation in his life. Wrap Ryan and his family with your love that casts out all fear. Thank you, Great Physician, that it is already done.

    “Bless the LORD, O my soul, and do not forget all His kind deeds— He who forgives all your iniquities and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the Pit and crowns you with loving devotion and compassion,…” (Psalm 103:2-4) In the name of Jesus we thank you that you heal all of Ryan’s diseases and your loving presence is with him. No weapon formed against Ryan will prosper and we cancel all negative diagnoses and declare that Ryan will live and not die and proclaim what the LORD has done. (Psalm 118:17)

    We give thanks to Yahweh for he is Good! Hallelujah! Amen and amen!

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  6. Father God, in the Name of Jesus we lift up Ryan and his family to You, asking for Your Peace, Your Shalom, Your Great Grace, Your Healing Grace, Your Healing touch, Your Healing Power, our Help from Above. Touch Ryan, Lord Jesus, that he may have healing of his body and heart, and remove the root cause, so he may be healed and whole from the top of his head to the bottom of the soles of his feet. Protect Ryan, and Provide all that Ryan and his family needs, Abba Father, in this time of need. We ask in the powerful, matchless Name above all names, Jesus. God bless you and keep you Ryan. Blessings and love, your sister in Christ, Yvonne

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  7. God please heal Ryan. Let his life be a living testimony to Your greatness. Manifest Yourself, not only in his healing, but in complete peace for him and his household. Let everything he says and everything he does bring You glory. We believe in Your great healing. We know You as our Provider, Savior, Friend and Confidant. Show Your great power so that all will know and see that You hold all of the power and that Nothing is impossible with You. We are united in reaching out to You and touching the hem of Your garment in faith believing. In Jesus’ name we pray. Hallelujah. Amen.

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  8. God, I pray you would bring peace, comfort, and healing to Ryan. That you would give the doctors the wisdom and knowledge they need to help him get and stay healthy! Lord I thank you for the doctor’s concern this far and ambition to find answers. Lord we trust and believe you are the Great Physician so we ask that you would lead. We pray you would bring peace to Ryan’s family as well. May they all rely heavily on you for encouragement!!
    In your Son’s name. Amen.

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  9. Ryan, I can’t help but feel God is looking after you with this appointment! You have this painful cyst that needed a doctor’s care so you make an appointment with a new doctor, and my gut feeling tells me he put this doctor in your life to help with your heart and overall health. I know you are concerned and worried about the anomaly he saw, I would be, too, and am, but you probably agree that it seems you finally have a capable doctor who cares enough to run tests, and do blood work! And, at a cardiologist clinic, too. I remember you telling me the excruciating pain you had that day and it sounded like a heart attack to me. I was so worried. But, God is with you, this I know! I am so thankful you found this doctor. I prayed yesterday, and will continue to pray, Ryan, that God is with you in your appointment Monday and it goes smoothly, and the wound heals quickly. “God, I pray that you have put this doctor in Ryan’s path to help heal his heart if it is weakened, and help please with Ryan’s general health to feel better, stronger, and have energy again.” Thank you, Oh, Lord. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.” I pray for the four of you, Ry, in every way.
    Love you so much. Mom

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  10. Lord Jesus, healer, we are asking for healing, strength, and peace for Ryan. We ask for wisdom and discernment in his treatment. Lord, please restore Ryan’s health and bring comfort to him; and peace to him and his family. 🙏

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  11. I am praying for you, and your family, Ryan.
    It may be a blessing that this new physician is being so thorough with your health.
    May you sense the comfort of the Great Physician and the prayers of all your brothers and sisters in Christ. 🤗

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  12. Ryan, I will be praying for you always. A friend of mine’s son had cancer with no hope for survival. He went to many doctors. He met a friend at a reunion….I wrote about this…they went to school together and the guy was a doctor who saved this guys life. The cancer has been gone for several years. My friend thanks God everyday. Maybe this new doctor will finally be able to get a handle on all of your physical pain….finally.

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  13. I appreciate the report that you gave about your present health condition. I trust your doctor to do all of the right things that must be done to make your health “healthy” again. You are absolutely right, that God has His hand on the pulse of everything and everybody. We all come into this world in a terminal state; I don’t see what would be of benefit for your life to change from here to heaven at this time. I will keep you in my prayers, knowing that God has a plan for you than has been uncompleted. Just consider how many people, around the world, are blessed by the things that you write. Please stay in touch.

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  14. Father, I pray for Ryan’s upcoming surgery. Take full control, of the doctors hand and heart. I pray for healing, peace, and strength for my brother. I bring his family, before your heart. Father , cover them them all, I pray. In Jesus’ name, Amen! You and your family, are still on my prayer list.

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  15. Blessings my new-found Brother in Christ. Divine Appointment… Divine Intervention. Focus not on what you see in the physical realm, but ‘trust’ in what is transpiring in the spiritual realm. Stand on Isaiah 26:3: “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” Praying for you Ryan, for complete healing and complete restoration. Our God is Jehovah Rapha… “The God Who Heals”.

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  16. Shalom, Ryan, I’m praying for you, your wife and children, as well as the doctors. I’ll ask my family and other friends to pray, also. Your faith in Yeshua (Jesus) is beautiful and so is your love for your family. Maybe someone you’ll come in contact with at the hospital needs to hear about your genuine love for our Creator and trust in Him.
    May He heal you and let you stay here on earth for your family and friends.
    Shalom from your sister in Yeshua ישוע ,
    Chaya חיה 🇮🇱 🇺🇸 🇮🇱

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      1. I just read and replied on your praise report and thanking Him for healing you! 🙂 Yes, He is so good. I keep you and your family in my prayers for much blessing. Have a wonderful weekend! 🙂
        Chaya חיה 🇮🇱 🇺🇸 🇮🇱

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  17. RYAN,




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  18. Hey Brotha,
    Like Preston stated buddy please do not hesitate to get to the hospital if you are in pain. I know you stuggled for along time and remember what Christ said that we are going to have trials and tribulations in this short life bro. Love ya my man and know that we are praying for ya. E

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  19. Dear brother, I have been praying for you. I do believe our God will answer the prayer of the saint with one heart. May God be with you always – protecting and strengthening you with daily miracles – big or small, which matter to us. In Jesus name! Amen

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  20. Praying to our Almighty, Powerful God of Heaven, May He touch you with His healing, may He bless you with His peace, may He fill you with an awareness of His presence! “I am the LORD which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: Open thy mouth wide and I will fill it.” Psalm 81:10 God Bless You!!!!

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  21. Oh brother Ryan… 😓😭

    Our God can heal anything. I know something has to take us out of this world eventually, but I don’t believe for one second that your work down here is anywhere close to being finished. I will be praying for you every day. 🙏🏻💕

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  22. The right hand of the Lord is exalted, the right hand of the Lord doeth Valiantly . I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord (Ps. 118: 16-17). May the right hand of the Lord seek you out and find you, touch you, and make you whole in the name of Jesus. God is above and bigger than this battle. Ryan I am praying for you!!

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  23. “Father, you know how much your child has suffered. Lord I ask you to wrap his family in your love and comfort. Father I ask that you guide the doctors, surgeons, and caregivers to provide comfort and healing in your will. He has suffered. He shares your love through his suffering. He is a light in a dark world. We love him, Father. We ask because we believe.”

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  24. Brother God bless you, God is with you and with your family, may the will of God be done, one of the things that the Lord Jesus has promised to be with his people every day until the end of the world, one of the things I admire the most is The Apostle Paul and Silas imprisoned in the depths of that prison, beaten and mistreated for proclaiming the holy gospel.

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