My Emergency Surgery & Restored Hope

Photo by Ryan, Venice Beach, FL

Hello friends and family, and God bless you all. I am home resting today after going through quite an ordeal this week. I suffered incredibly torturous pain Sunday night through Tuesday night, and by Wednesday afternoon I was in emergency surgery to have my gallbladder removed. Although I am very sore, I am doing well and the terrible pain is gone. The Lord has restored my hope, and I am looking forward to a much healthier life now.

It all started Sunday night at 10:30. I was about to go to bed when my gut was hit with severe cramping and pain. I thought it was related to the cramping episodes from Celiac that I have been suffering for the last 9 years, but it was much worse than those. The pain lasted all night and didn’t stop until around 8 a.m. Monday morning. It was so bad that I was up all night. I also started vomiting at 3 a.m. and threw up 5 times until 7:30. I finally slept from 8 to about 1 p.m. on Monday, and I was okay for the rest of the day. My appetite was bad though and all I could eat was a banana for breakfast and a few bites of brown rice noodles for dinner.

I thought it was just another cramping episode and the pain was gone, but I was wrong. I went to bed Monday night at 9:30, but woke up at 4 a.m. on Tuesday in severe pain again. It was absolute torture and it lasted all day long. I couldn’t find any relief and I was writhing in pain. I also started vomiting again and did that several times all morning and afternoon. It was pure agony. I couldn’t eat all day, and after eating half a banana around 4 p.m. it just made it worse. By 5:00 I had my wife take me to the ER at the hospital.

The doctors put me on an IV because I was severely dehydrated. I had only drank a couple small cups of water all day. They also did a CT Scan and Ultrasound of my abdomen. The results showed that I was suffering a severely infected and enlarged gallbladder. The doctor put antibiotics through my IV right away, and informed me that I would need surgery to have my gallbladder removed or I could die.

They transported me by ambulance to Sarasota Memorial Hospital where I was admitted around midnight Wednesday. By 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday afternoon I was with the team of surgeons being put to sleep to have laparoscopic surgery to remove my gallbladder.

The lead surgeon called my wife afterwards, and he said everything went well and very smooth. He also said he felt bad for me and it was painful just seeing my gallbladder. He said it was severely infected and packed with stones, and he was very glad to remove it. He encouraged my wife that I would be feeling much better now and would not suffer the cramping pain anymore.

I am very thankful to be alive and have that nasty gallbladder out of my body. I suffered that for many years. I am also very glad we went to the ER. The pain was so bad that I had to be put in a wheelchair when we arrived.

Part of my decision to go to the ER was because of a blog post I read on Monday. Our good friend and brother in Christ, Benjamin, from “Brother’s Campfire” just had the same painful episode and surgery on Monday. You can read his post about that here: Gall, Fortune Cookies, and Raising Young Men. After reading about his pain and having his gallbladder removed, I wondered if that was what I was suffering from as well. It made me want to get tests to see if my gallbladder was okay, and I told the doctors at the ER that I wondered if it was my appendix or gallbladder. What a weird coincidence that Benjamin and I had the same emergency surgery just days apart. We are official gallbladder buddies now too. I’m so glad he wrote that post and so thankful God had me read it!

Please pray for Benjamin’s healing as well as mine. We are both feeling much better now. I am sore and it’s hard to move around, but my appetite is good and it’s so great to not have that torturous cramping pain anymore.

On another note, please pray for our good friend and sister in Christ, Vivian and her husband Mark. Many of you know Mark was recently diagnosed with brain cancer. Vivian writes the blog “God’s Whispers of Truth.” Please read her post about Mark here: Crisis. He has been given 1 year to live and will be starting chemotherapy soon. It has been devastating to their family, but they are standing strong in Jesus. Vivian also suffers from complications due to a traumatic brain injury she suffered as a teenager, and she has MS. Mark is the sole provider for her and their 4 kids. Donations to help their family can be sent to Vivian through PayPal at helpoutviv. Please pray for Mark’s healing and send whatever help you can.

Nothing is impossible for God. He can heal, and restore hope at anytime, even when life is at its most painful and dark. As Vivian recently texted me, “I feel the prayers of believers! And I know God’s chosen Mark for this! I told him yesterday God’s trusting us with this trial. And to not give up! Ever!” Amen, sister, may we always stand firm in Jesus, and never give up! She also told me, “They’ve told us one year….
but they told Bill Sweeney 2 or 3 and he lived 24!! God numbers our days, not Drs.” Amen to that, sister!!

There is so much suffering in this life, but we must not ever lose hope. All the suffering I have endured since being diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 2012 has taught me to press into Jesus even more and never let go of Him. He has always been faithful to lift me up, and He has restored my hope again with this surgery. I feel like a new man with a new lease on life. Sorrow may come for a night, but joy comes in the morning. May we never forget that promise of God’s love.

Thank you to all of you who prayed for me and my surgery. Thank you for praying for my friends too. I am so very thankful to be alive, and I am excited to live out all the good plans He has for me and my family in the future. May His will be done in all things at all times!

Grace and peace to you all!

Author: Ryan Callahan

Hello, and welcome to my site! I am an independent Christian author (One Man's Very Strange Supernatural Life), blogger, and evangelist for Jesus. My main goal with this blog is to help people come to know Jesus, help people understand the Bible, and to minister to a lost and hurting world. This site is about hope, new beginnings, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love! I'm glad you are here, God bless you! Copyright © 2024 Ryan Callahan. All rights reserved.

99 thoughts on “My Emergency Surgery & Restored Hope”

  1. Thank God your doing much better. Prayers to you, Benjamin, Vivian and Mark. “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10) God Bless

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  2. I am so thankful and relieved, Ryan, that you went to the ER, so grateful to God for keeping you with us. It has been a long, long road for you in your suffering and disappointments, and for us who love and care for you it has been a heartbreak, too. There is not a worse feeling for a parent or a spouse to not have the answer to make it better for that person you love, and to have such a helpless feeling. But, I always prayed for your healing and happiness (I still do) and know Jesus is always with you. I, and I know you as well, depend on God in our life, to always turn to him in prayer and trust that He has everything under control. “Thank you heavenly Father for answering our prayers for Ryan, for getting Ryan to his surgery safely, for his healing, and healing his hurting heart…He has so much to give and look forward, too, and we are so grateful! Thank you, dear God.” In the name of Jesus, Amen.
    “I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten.” JOEL 2:25
    God has blessed you, Ryan, and with that he has blessed me, your Dad, and your family! We feel the same joy as you!! So looking forward to seeing you and the family in a few days!

    I am continuing to pray for Vivian and Mark, for their strength and both their healing! Thankfully, their faith in God and trust in Him is strong. Amen. I pray Vivian will release her fears to God, and in doing that, she will find he lights their way in this uncertain time, which will make the rough roads smooth and give them much hope for a better tomorrow. God bless Mark and Vivian.
    Thank you, Ryan, for your praise of God and encouragement. God empowers us to spread His message of peace and hope, so thank you for doing so and for the opportunity to lift Vivian and Mark up in prayer. It was a heaven sent post that you read Brothers Campfire! Amen!
    Love you, Mom

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  3. Happy to know that you are better and improving ,you have been diagnosed early and had your gallbladder removed in time.Thanks be to God for he always guides his chosen ones through his providential grace.Take care sir.Prayers assured for you,dear brother Benjamin and sister Vivian.🌹🙏✝

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  4. Hello Ryan, I am sorry to hear about the ordeal you went through, I am thankful our Lord Jesus Christ, was there with you and helped you get the needed emergency help you need… Praise you Lord, Jesus that Ryan’s hope was restored! and is on a road of recovery! I will be praying for you, Mak, and Vivian, as well!

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  5. Praise God you got it taken care of. Mine was when I was 24, rushed by ambulance. Gallstones, and Gallbladder disease. It was the worst pain I have ever experienced. Thought I was having a heart attack. I ended up with an infection right after that almost took my life (12 days in the hospital). Very happy to hear you are home. God is faithful! Keep looking up 🙏🏻

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  6. Thanking the Lord Ryan, for the guiding hand of the Holy Spirit to show you what was wrong when you read the blog posts and to bring healing to you. God works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform. He is always working on our behalf. Praise God. Keep up the good work He has called you to do and proclaiming the truth of His amazing grace. He is a miracle working God. Bless you and your family.

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  7. Was so thankful to pray for you!! Awesome that you’re feeling better!! Gallbladder brothers😂😂😂

    I’ve been praying for Viv’s family also, breaks my heart but I love the reminder you gave about Bill!

    ‘Sorrow may come for a night, but joy comes in the morning.’

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  8. Hi Ryan, first let me assure you of my prayers for you, Benjamin, Mark & Vivian. I am happy with you brother that our Father God had His hand on you and your friends. Take it easy brother and let the Spirit renew your strength.

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    1. Thank you, sister, amen! No, it didn’t stop Celiac, but I do feel much better. Celiac is a genetic auto-immune disorder, so that is a separate problem. Not too big for God though. I know He can heal me at anytime. Thank you for your prayers. God bless!

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  9. I am so sorry you had to go through all that pain, but I am so thankful God arranged for you to read that post about gall bladder trouble. I’m thankful you are feeling better! God is faithful! Blessings Ryan!

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      1. I am so sorry to hear about your surgery, Ryan! So glad you read that blog and are ok though. I will keep you in my prayers, along with Benjamin and will continue to pray for Viv and Mark. God is a God of miracles. I believe He can heal you all. Let’s bind together and believe! 🙏🏼

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      2. Amen, Renee, thank you! Thank you for your prayers. After our church service this morning, I asked our Pastor to have the elders anoint me with oil and pray for my healing according to James 5:14. The Pastor and the elders all laid hands on me & anointed me with oil, and as they prayed I felt the power of the Holy Spirit wash over me. I believe God can do all things and do great miracles, amen! May He be glorified in all our prayers! God bless!

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      3. Welcome! Yes I believe in that scripture of the laying on of hands and anointing with oil! Hallelujah! The Lord has touched me and healed me so many times in this way. One morning not too long ago, I went to church with sinus pressure so bad and got prayer. The Lord removed the pressure! 🙌🏼 God is so good! It’s up to us to just BELIEVE, and it’s up to Him to do the healing. I am rejoicing with you that God touched you and kept you from death. To Him be the glory! Blessing to you. 🙏🏼

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  10. It’s amazing that God led you to that post so you would understand what was going on with your pain! I’m glad to hear you’re doing better. How scary! Continued prayers for you!
    Also praying for Vivian and her family. That just breaks my heart for them. She’s such a sweet and caring person.

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  11. I’ve just seen this, Ryan! You must have been in such pain and I’m so glad that you got to the Emergency department and had the surgery. It’s good to hear that you are now feeling so much better. All the very best!

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  12. Thanks for your like of my article, “Tribulation Prophecies And Doctrine 1 – Day Of The Lord – Time Areas Within The Day Of The Lord ;” I appreciate your kindness. I am very glad that you have had such a good recovery from your surgery; I can not imagine all that you have to deal with. You are a true brother in Christ; I am blessed by how you show such care and comassion for your friends. May God richly bless you and your family.

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  13. Wow, I’m so glad you are okay and that God gave you that little hint about what might be wrong. Praying for a good recovery. Sorry that you experienced such terrible pain. I look forward to our life in heaven when there will be no more pain or crying or sorrow. God bless you!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Wow! What a testimony that you had wisdom to go to the Dr after reading another friend’s blog! There is a small group of us that have a blogger chat each Saturday morning at 10am, let me know if you would be interested in joining us and I will message you the info. We are a group of Christian bloggers that share life, encouragement, and prayer.

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    1. Amen, so thankful the Lord showed me that blog post! I appreciate the invitation to your blogger chat. Feel free to message me the information. I might not be able to make it every Saturday, but I will definitely check it out. God bless!


  15. God bless you brother. Thank you for sharing your life God makes things possible and every time something happens with someone it is because he has a purpose of blessing whatever the situation you are living. I had a car accident in November 2018, I lost consciousness and when I woke up I felt my left ribs broken, thank God it was not like that it was a terrible accident, that same month I almost lost my mother who had a terrible respiratory arrest and was diagnosed with diabetes, but God delivered her, so He can do it with everyone who believes in Him. I’m so glad you are well, I hope everyone is better with God’s help….. in the night the crying lasts but in the morning comes the joy….. Christ Is Coming Soon

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      1. I still have a sequel of that accident, my rib is bad, sometimes it hurts, I will not feel my body as before, but I know that God will give me a new body and soon the pain will not exist anymore because my Christ is coming, He is coming soon nothing can take away the joy of His salvation because I know that He is faithful and will never fail to His promises..💎📖😃

        Thank you Brother Blessing!!!

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