Big Family Decision

Photo by Ryan, view of Pikes Peak from deck, 6-10-2020

Hello everyone.  I wanted to write a quick post asking for prayer for our family.  I hope comments are working now.  I wanted comments open on my post yesterday, but for some reason comments were closed.  That was really frustrating to me because I hadn’t written for a month and I wanted to talk with everyone.  Anyway, if you wanted to comment on my post yesterday, but couldn’t, please feel free to do that here.  Now, about my prayer request.

Most of you know that I have lived in Colorado for most of my life.  I will be 42 this summer and I have lived here for 34 years.  I was born in Illinois in the 70s, but I was raised in Littleton, Colorado from 1981 to 1991.  I went to high school in Illinois, then came back here for college in 1996 and have been here ever since.  This is my home and I love it here.  I love everything about it.  Our children were born here and we are raising them in an excellent, safe, and peaceful community.  I don’t want to leave.

Unfortunately, democrats have increasingly taken over our state and they have raised taxes to a point that it is becoming unaffordable to live here.  In the last few days we have had some difficult and interesting conversations about possibly moving to Florida.  My wife has family down there in Fort Walton Beach and she grew up visiting them.  She is interested in the Sarasota area and she is already looking at teaching jobs and homes.  Colorado has reciprocity with Florida for teaching licenses, so it is easy for my wife to get a Florida license.

I have only been to Florida once.  We went on a cruise that docked out of Miami.  I don’t know much about Florida other than what I’ve seen on TV and heard from my wife.  It has a lower cost of living than here for sure.  It is becoming like California here.  The housing market is way overpriced and everything is expensive.  We just can’t keep up with the constant tax increases anymore.  Florida doesn’t have state income tax, which is very nice.  It’s also a majority red state with a strong Republican Governor, which I also like.  The white sand beaches in Sarasota look very nice too.

My wife and kids are excited.  My kids keep talking about Disney World, beaches, the ocean, dolphins, and all the other attractions to visit.  My wife is tired of winter and she would love living in a hot place year round.  Plus, she loves Florida and loved going there as a kid.  They are also pumped about having a house with a pool.

I can’t say I’m excited.  I’m more in shock that we are even discussing moving to Florida.  A place I never thought I’d live and I never wanted to leave Colorado again.  This is my home and it’s hard to even think about it at this point.  I’m liking winter less and less as I get older, and it would be nice to have warm temperatures year round, but I would probably miss having four seasons.  Even our winters are pretty mild most of the time.  It’s the spring blizzards that are annoying.  Our summers are always nice with a mild fall and our skies are almost always bright blue with over 330 days of sunshine per year.

I do not like humidity even a little bit.  I’m a mountain man and I like the crisp high altitude air we breathe here.  I’ve never been in a hurricane, but I wouldn’t like it.  I don’t like nasty bugs, snakes, or mosquitos either and Florida has plenty of that.  And don’t forget gators too.  I can deal with mountain lions and bears, but I don’t like swamp critters.  And what’s up with the terrifying sink holes in Florida?  Man, that one dude was swallowed alive while laying in bed!  I’d rather be high and dry and safe from gaping holes in the earth here in the Rockies.  We have spiders and snakes here too, but nothing like Florida, and no cockroaches.  I do like fishing though and Florida has great fishing, and plenty of sunshine, so there is that.

There is so much to think about and so much to do if we do move.  Just selling our house and finding a home in Florida is daunting.  My wife has to get a Florida teaching license and apply for jobs first, then we’ll go from there.  It would help us financially to leave Colorado for sure, but at this point it would take a miracle for us to move there.  To me it feels like the Red Sea is in front of us and God needs to make a way or we won’t get through.

Please pray that we would have wisdom and discernment in how to move forward in all this.  Pray we hear the Lord’s voice clearly and follow His will.  And if you live in Florida or you have experience living there, please let me know your inside knowledge.

Thanks for your prayers!

Grace and peace!

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart

and lean not on your own


in all your ways acknowledge him,

and he will make your paths


Proverbs 3:5-6

Author: Ryan Callahan

Hello, and welcome to my site! I am an independent Christian author (One Man's Very Strange Supernatural Life), blogger, and evangelist for Jesus. My main goal with this blog is to help people come to know Jesus, help people understand the Bible, and to minister to a lost and hurting world. This site is about hope, new beginnings, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love! I'm glad you are here, God bless you! Copyright © 2024 Ryan Callahan. All rights reserved.

75 thoughts on “Big Family Decision”

      1. You’re welcome.
        Most guys like spiders which isn’t cool, so I’m glad you don’t! 🙂

        It was outstanding. I agreed 100% with what you said and you were just spot on with it all.

        Liked by 3 people

  1. Ryan, praying that you and your wife would have wisdom and hear the voice of God on whether to move. We are definitely in times of change and transition. It is so important to know where you need to live. God has promised to fulfill the desires of our hearts. Praying that you would have peace in your heart and know the best course of action to take. Abundant blessings!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Hey, Ryan! I have snowbirded from Pennsylvania to Florida for years. Last June Nathan and I moved to FL permanently and we hated it so much we moved back to PA in September. We literally packed our stuff, sold our house and realized the FL dream is a lie. We believe God brought us to FL but that He also brought us out of there. Nathan is an auto body technician and I prayed multiple times a day that he would not get sick with heat stroke. I was bit by bugs so badly I could not go outside without spray and long pants and sleeves. Red tide killed the fish so that added insult to injury. We were in St Pete about 30 min North of Sarasota. PA has 6% sales tax and FL 7 so certain things were more expensive than what we thought. I’m not God, I don’t know His will for your life but this is my experience. I personally wouldn’t recommend ever moving to FL. The snowbirds change the dynamic of FL as well. I never thought that I would ever cheer a cloudy day but in August when it’s like 95 and 95% humidity, that cloud cover is a special gift from God. I will pray for you and your family with this decision. If you would like to know more about my experience please send me a message!!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Hi Ryan! First of all, how are you?

    I was so thankful to read your post from yesterday and saved it for my teens to read too. I think you are exactly right and it did us all good to read it! We should never ever any of us be ashamed of the way God made us. Amen.

    Also, I will pray for you and your wife to have wisdom in the huge decision of moving. My dad moved us from Philadelphia PA, to Lynchburg VA in the late 80s to have a safer place to raise and homeschool us in safety. I’m so glad he did!

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  4. Okay Ryan, my first thought is.. why would anyone living near the coast in Florida need a house with a pool?!? Save your money, go to the beach!

    I was born and raised in Florida and I love it! In fact, Sarasota is just south of where I was born, Tampa, and I think it’s a great area to live. I love the beaches and the sunshine and the fact there is no snow! The humidity will definitely be a challenge at first, but you’ll get used to it soon enough. There are ways to deal with the bugs, and they are only seasonal. As for hurricanes, the Sarasota area is more susceptible to tropical storms than hurricanes.

    I’ll be praying for your decision. Keep us posted!

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    1. Thanks Dee! The white sand beaches sure look nice. That’s cool you were born and raised there. Our kids love swimming, so having a pool is their dream. We have a nice neighborhood pool, but they would love one at our house. Pools are still closed here. I don’t like what Polis is doing. Sarasota sounds nice. If it’s God’s will, I know He will work everything out. Thanks for praying! God bless!

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  5. I am so glad to see you back. Your post the other day was excellent. If God wants you in Florida…It will happen. My mother went to high school and college in Deland Florida and loved it. She moved to Illinois where I was raised because of a job.

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    1. Thanks Karla! I appreciate that, it’s great to be back! That’s good to know about your Mom, thank you. It seems many people love it. I know a lot of people retire there. Amen, may His will be done. God bless!

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  6. Ryan – We bought a second home (condo) in South Florida less than two years ago. We love it here! Yes, there’s humidity in the summer, but everyone has AC, so it’s not a problem. The winters are tremendous because of the warm weather. I love warm to hot, more so than most people, and routinely walk 4-5 miles in 85+ degree weather without a problem. The big plus from what I read in your blog is that your wife and children want to move to Florida. Very tough to argue against that. FWIW, we prayed for God’s direction in our lives before we bought the condo. Sounds like you’re taking that wise approach, too. We have not had roach problems and the like where we bought because the grounds are well maintained. // On a personal note, you and some of your other commenters here that I’m familiar with, like Dee and Lydia, do a wonderful job of interspersing personal accounts in their blogs along with serious matters. I have not done that, but I certainly can see the wisdom in it. My advice? Pray, pray, and pray some more. He will grant you the wisdom you seek. James 1:5 WP

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  7. Ryan, good to see you back. I was concerned for your health and have been praying for you.
    I am in a si liar situation to you. I am thinking of moving but I need God’s wisdom and discernment. I will be praying for you and your family.

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  8. Ryan I will pray that God gives you wisdom regarding this move. And He promises He will give it to you generously!
    “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5 Blessings to you and your family!

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  9. Welcome back my brother in Christ. In all things we ask God to guide us and I know that you and your family are really seeking his counsel on this one. I have lived in Florida for almost 10 years, its tropical climate and can become very hot at times. It is a state that will require you to always walk with your umbrella because one moment its bright sunshine and another moment rain. For the most part it is nice. Sometimes the temperature drops to lower 40’s but only for a couple days, then it’s back to the sun shine again! I have never been to Sarasota but I know of it. If that is your area of choice you guys should be ok.

    Please let me know if you will be needing appliances for your home when you get to that point. I know a company that can give you the best in name brand products such as sub zero, thermador etc. I once worked with that company. The name is Monark Premium Appliances.

    I too maybe moving back to Flordia soon, my daughter is pressing on me to move back. I know God will direct your path and he is always with you and your family. Thanks for sharing I will be praying specific prayers on your family’s behalf in Jesus name. Take care.

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    1. Thank you Sheila! I appreciate the information and offer on appliances. Warm temps would be nice. I heard the humidity isn’t as bad closer to the ocean. Much to think about. Thanks for praying. God bless!


  10. Home is where the family is Ryan. Trust you will make the right decision as a family with prayer and discernment. Economic survival is tough for us all in these trying times. In regards to your last blog, I wanted to comment but it said comments closed. I agreed with your sentiments 100% and your common sense on these issues prevailed, as always.

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  11. Praying for you man. I know it’s tough to leave something so familiar for something so strange and unfamiliar. Not saying if you stay, that you will die but you having to leave because of increased living conditions and being surrounded by those that don’t believe the same as you reminded me of a story. It’s in Acts 9, where Paul is preaching the gospel and eventually the Jews plan to kill him. He hears of it and instead of staying and keeping on, he lets his disciples lower him down over the wall of the city at night so that he could escape. Not saying that it’s to that point, but We understand why you would leave. Sometimes, it’s better to leave and go somewhere where God can use you more. I’m praying for you. I hope this helped you a little. If not, well oh well. I will try and get ahold of my step brother that lives in Florida and see if he has any ideas about some tips.

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  12. Oh wow! We wouldn’t be ‘state neighbors” anymore! I can understand your emotions, will definitely be praying… I have been on vacation in Florida a number of times and from my own opinion I think it’s absolutely amazing, I would love to live there!….Then again I’ve vacationed in Colorado many more times and love it there as well, remain in prayer and God will definitely guide and give you peace either way!!!🙏

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  13. I pray that the Lord gives you understanding. May his peace guide your decision! We should always only do what gives us peace. And I trust the Lord will lead you to find it.

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  14. Ryan, I hope your health has been good. And about your decision~how tough. I’m a mountain girl. Due to health issues I struggle with humidity. Hence, I live in my RV. I’m a Missouri native and currently live here with family. Although sons and families are in Alaska and Washington. I understand what you are saying about the political and economic reasons. Knowing that wherever you go, taking politics out of the equation, you will be a light for Christ. I was a teacher. And enjoyed summer months of being able to “go” where I needed to feel financially and physically healthy. I have a friend who has a winter home in Fort Meyers and loves it. Her husband will stay there in winter months due to health. She’s a teacher soon to retire and can get there with him and with kids in winters now. I’m going to spend January in Arizona as my body needs low humidity. What you are facing is a huge family decision indeed!! If you all ever reach the thoughts of being nomads to travel for your health, I can speak to that. Have you thought of being able to be in two places? One when she is teaching and the other when you need? I only ask because God will sometimes open doors you never saw coming! Heavenly Papa, with your power and love please direct Ryan and his family to where you want them. Grow them, use them, bless them, and thank you Father for these precious souls you put around us to keep us encouraged on this narrow path to Paradise. 💚💚💚

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    1. Amen! Thank you! We appreciate the prayers and information. Never thought of being in 2 places. Fort Meyers sounds nice. We will probably wait for now and we might look at moving next year. Plenty of time to pray about it more. Excited to see what God does. God bless!

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  15. Hi Ryan, glad to see you back! My wife and I have been praying for you and will praying that God shines a light on the path He wants you to take. Also, when we have to make a big decision in our lives we lay out a fleece like Gideon did in the old testament. For example, if God wants you to go to Florida pray that something very specific will happen. Make sure it is something that you can’t make happen yourself, like someone contacting you out of the blue about a house for sale there. If God wants you to go it will happen. We have used that process for years and God has never failed to answer. Will keep praying for you and your family. We love you brother, keep up the good work. God bless.

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  16. That’s a hard one Ryan. I moved to the desert after growing up in the east coast in the mountains and living in the Midwest for most of my life. I love it here in the winter, but summer is torture and I feel like I’m gonna die here. When I was in Florida, the humidity was too much for me. You take a shower, go somewhere and your already wet from the humid weather by the time you arrive. Need another shower when you get back.

    I don’t do well in cold or humid climates, but I’ve learned I don’t do well in summer dry heat either. Florida sounds fun though and the beach would be awesome. Just make sure you have good air conditioning and maybe a dehumidifier in the house. 😉

    Wherever you go, I am sure of this, God is always with you. {{hugs}} 💜

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      1. Oh man, I don’t know exactly where all we stayed in Florida, (I was a kid/pre-teen) when I went there with my parents and brothers. I do remember being at Benny Hinn’s church which I believe was in Orlando. And I remember hanging out on the TV set at the Jim and Tammy show after they moved it to Florida, I’m guessing that was the in the Orlando area as well. We also spent time at some kind of a resort/television production studio that was next to a lake. It was gorgeous there! But, they do have things like snakes and crocodiles or alligators you gotta watch out for. I’m guessing it was summertime whenever I was there because I would’ve been in school otherwise. Maybe that is why is was sooooo hot? 😂 Orlando and Kissimmee Florida are names I remember hearing a lot or seeing on the highway signs. We never spent much time at Disney, maybe a day if we were lucky. My father, mother and brothers were there for ministry not playtime. Please take your girls to Disney. I think every child should get that experience at least once in their lifetime. 💕

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      2. Awesome, thanks for the info! Sounds like you had fun.😊 Our kids have been to Disneyland 5 times from 2 different trips to CA. Haven’t done Disney World yet, but they want to. Florida definitely sounds hot and humid. We are staying put for now. Not seeing any open doors to Florida or anywhere else. His will be done. God bless!

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  17. Oh wow, tough decision. Very sad about the democrats ruining Colorado for the middle class. I must say I’d look at other states than Florida, but I understand with the family connection. I’ll pray for you!

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  18. Hi Ryan. For me the utmost importance is to my daughter. I would sacrifice any comfort to make her comfortable. Besides your problem is the high cost of living and difficulties cooing with it. Since your wife is a qualified teacher she would by grace of God get a nice job in her paternal home town, and most certainly your kids can study in the same school.where she will teach.

    Change is thy nature of life my brother so trust in the heavenly spirit and take a plunge. All will be well.

    Wishing you and your family abundance of joy, happiness and all that you wish for.

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