My Contact Page Went Nutty

Colorado Woodpecker

Good morning everyone and God bless you!  Thank you all for celebrating with me yesterday.  I appreciate everyone’s words of encouragement and I was blessed to receive several requests for a free copy of my book.  Guess what though?  I almost didn’t get the messages that were sent through my contact page.  My contact page went nutty and I wasn’t getting the messages sent to my email.  I spent several hours yesterday chatting with WordPress support.  They were nice and did all they could, but they couldn’t fix it.  I ended up just editing my contact page.  I deleted the submission form and now I just have my gmail address on there if you would like to contact me.  I am available if you need prayer, have questions or comments, would like a free copy of my book, or you just need someone to talk to.

If you contacted me yesterday or any other time through my old contact page and I never contacted you back, please know that it was due to the technical issues with the page.  I would never intentionally ignore someone’s message to me.  The support team showed me where to find messages that come through the contact page, so I was able to see that I had a bunch of missed messages.  I wrote several of you yesterday apologizing for the missed messages.

By the way, there is a bit of a learning curve to WordPress.  If you have a contact page with a submission form, then you will find messages that have been sent to you through that form in the “Feedback” link under “My Site” in your blog account.  Even if they did not come through to your email, they will still be there.  Be sure to check the Feedback spam folder too.  You will only see the spam folder if there is spam.  Also, sometimes comments that people leave on your blog posts will not show up in the notifications, but they will be in the “Comments” link under “My Site.”  Sometimes people’s comments also go to spam, so check that too.

I also found out yesterday for the first time (after my book has been out for a year) that Amazon only allows free eBooks to be emailed within the same country.  Since I’m in the United States (Colorado), I can only email the free download link to people in the United States.  No wonder my friends in India and the U.K. couldn’t download the free eBook.  I’m so sorry about that!  It is strange that Amazon has it set up that way since its available for sale worldwide.

You can buy the Kindle eBook version and the paperback in just about every country in the world.  It is also free on Kindle Unlimited.  Remember, you don’t need a Kindle to read Amazon eBooks.  Just get their free Kindle App for any device and you can download all the eBooks you want to it.

If you live in the U.S. and you didn’t get a chance to request a free book or you did and I didn’t get your message yesterday, please check out my new contact page and feel free to contact me again.

Contact Ryan

The first page of Chapter 1 is also available on Amazon for free:

Link to “One Man’s Very Strange Supernatural Life” on Amazon

I pray my testimony is an encouragement and blessing to you all and it shows the world that nothing is impossible for God!

Grace and peace to you all!

“Blessed are they

whose transgressions are


whose sins are covered.

Blessed is the man

whose sin the Lord will

never count against


Romans 4:7-8


Author: Ryan Callahan

Hello, and welcome to my site! I am an independent Christian author (One Man's Very Strange Supernatural Life), blogger, and evangelist for Jesus. My main goal with this blog is to help people come to know Jesus, help people understand the Bible, and to minister to a lost and hurting world. This site is about hope, new beginnings, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love! I'm glad you are here, God bless you! Copyright © 2024 Ryan Callahan. All rights reserved.

6 thoughts on “My Contact Page Went Nutty”

  1. Well, sounds like you had a busy day getting this straightened out. I’m sure you were very relieved to fix your contacts and find missed messages that you could then answer! Glad you found the people of WordPress so helpful to your problem. Good you passed along the information, too, Ryan. Good to hear so many celebrated with you on your 1 year book anniversary!! Cool!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I greatly enjoyed reading your book when I purchased it back in January. Seeing your mom’s comment here got me thinking… I would love to read a book about your family’s supernatural experiences, written from her perspective. 😀

        Liked by 2 people

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