Totally Awesome Answer To Prayers For My Wife!

Pic quote John 11 v 40 ocean

Hello friends and family!  My wife and I are praising God right now!  She just got back from the doctor and all of our prayers have been answered!  Your prayers, my prayers, her prayers–all of our prayers!  I am pumped up in the joy of the Lord right now!  I have been specifically praying that my wife would be healed, she wouldn’t have cancer, the cyst on her right ovary would be gone, the thickening tissue would be gone, and that when they checked her they would say she is healed and there are no problems.  Guess what?!  That is exactly what happened today!  They did another ultrasound and it showed everything was normal and healthy!  No cancer, no thickening wall, and the cyst was gone!!!  That’s right, gone!!!  Something she just had a few days ago that was causing her pain and bleeding is completely gone, disappeared, and healed!  There is no surgery needed of any kind!  We praise you God with everything that we are!  I feel like running and jumping around in the joy of the Lord right now!!!  You are so awesome Jesus!!!

May this stand as a testimony of the healing power of Jesus!  Thank you all who prayed for my wife in the Name of Jesus!  This is our faith in Him!  This is how it is lived out every day as we trust in Him!  There is more power in His Name than we can ever imagine!  We glorify Your Holy Name Lord, Hallelujah!!!

Yesterday was the 10th.  I started this blog on August 10, 2018, so I’ve been blogging for 6 months now.  This has been an incredible journey and the Lord is showing me new things and revealing Himself in so many new ways through all of it!  Having so many people praying for my wife and family was awesome!  The power of praying to Jesus Christ should never be underestimated!  Jesus is Lord and when you believe in Him, you will see the glory of God!

Knowing all of you has been a great blessing!  The Lord continues to teach me and reveal Himself through all of the friendships He has opened up through blogging.  Thank you all for your prayers and support!  We could feel the power of your prayers lifting us up and we are so thankful and encouraged!  If you were all here right now, I would be running from person to person giving you all high fives and hugs!

Nothing is impossible for those who believe in Jesus!  No weapon formed against us shall prosper!  We are victorious in the Name that is above all Names and we have overcome the world through Him!

Thank You Jesus for healing my wife!  We praise You Lord with all of our hearts!  Thank You for revealing your glory to us so many times!  You are worthy of praise!!!

Grace and peace to you all in the Healing Name of Jesus!!!

“Shouts of joy and victory

resound in the tents of the


“The Lord’s right hand has

done mighty things!

The Lord’s right hand is

lifted high;

The Lord’s right hand has

done mighty things!”

I will not die but live,

and will proclaim what the

Lord has done.”

Psalm 118:15-17



Author: Ryan Callahan

Hello, and welcome to my site! I am an independent Christian author (One Man's Very Strange Supernatural Life), blogger, and evangelist for Jesus. My main goal with this blog is to help people come to know Jesus, help people understand the Bible, and to minister to a lost and hurting world. This site is about hope, new beginnings, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love! I'm glad you are here, God bless you! Copyright © 2024 Ryan Callahan. All rights reserved.

116 thoughts on “Totally Awesome Answer To Prayers For My Wife!”

  1. Hallelujah!!! God has indeed worked wonders for your family, and your blogs are a true testament to the movement of the Holy Spirit in you!!! May God continue to bless you and your family.

    Liked by 3 people

    Rejoicing with you!
    GOD is GOOD!
    HE is the same yesterday, today and forever and HE can and will do the same for us as HE did for the people mentioned in the bible.
    And you are a living witness for HIS greatness!
    Dr. JESUS is the greatest healer and that’s just ONE of HIS UNLIMITED abilities!
    I love reading testimonies and every time I hear or read about a miracle that THE LORD has done, I am so happy that we serve a LIVING GOD as one family and that HE loves us so much.
    Thank you for sharing. GOD bless you and your wife, the newly healed 🙂 !

    Liked by 3 people

      1. And amen a lot BUT GOD moments in life that He knew about before the foundations of the world. Thank you blessings to you and your family brother!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Praise the Lord Ryan!! Our God truly does answer prayer and I am so happy I could be a small part in this great work! We can always trust Jesus in every thing, every part of our lives, through good and bad. Keep trusting, thanking and praising! God bless you both,

    Liked by 3 people

    1. This is EXACTLY what the Lord did for me in answer to many prayers last Friday! A routine mammogram found a lump on January 31. So on Friday, February 8, I went back to the radiology department and was given a compression test. The lump was still there on the compression test.

      The radiologist looked at the mammogram and the compression test images and said that I needed an ultrasound, STAT. I was taken immediately back for the ultrasound.

      The ultrasound tech found the lump very quickly. And then, while she was looking at the lump, it vanished! She kept searching and searching and searching for the lump, but it was gone. Not a trace remained.

      My doctor wants to repeat these tests in 6 months, to be sure. I will do it. And I trust that the lump will still be gone!

      After my tests were done Friday morning, I specifically prayed and asked God to do the same thing for your wife. Wow wow WOW! Our Lord Jesus Christ is an AWESOME Savior!!

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Oh yes, brother, it IS a testimony to His healing, to His listening to the prayers of His children, to the purpose He has for you and your wife on this earth. For He is not finished yet with either of you. So glad you began blogging. Thankful to work alongside you in His Kingdom 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I have goosebumps reading this! Praise the Lord! Great news. Yes, prayer is essential! I have so many people who pray for me and my family thanks to the internet. I love how God uses technology to unite Christians !

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thanks for sharing your wonderful testimony of God’s healing power. I am very happy for your wife that she has been healed, and that you will have that experience as something to look back upon, as proof of God’s divine love . Please keep up your good blog work; you are blessing.

    Liked by 1 person

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