Prayer Request For My Wife 2-7-19

Family vacation in San Diego June 2018

Hello friends and family!  It has been quite a week!  Earlier this week we were very thankful to receive an amazing financial blessing and we are still praising God for that.  Yesterday, my wife went to the doctor for a follow up on some tests she had done.  She has been having health issues that she has never had before in her life.  The doctor told her the tests showed that it could be something not so serious or it could be cancerous.  She might have to have a hysterectomy either way.  This is hard news for our family.  We have been through so much suffering and we need your prayers.

Please pray that my wife is healed.  Pray that she does not and will never have cancer!  Pray in the power of the Holy Spirit over my wife and family in the Name of Jesus!

We are trusting in God that He has good plans for us and we know He is with us in this.  My wife will have a biopsy done soon and we will go from there.  We have been through so much together that our faces our like flint against the troubles of this world.  At this point, I feel like a boxer who gets punched in the face and just keeps moving forward.  The Lord alone is our strength and our song!  He alone is our joy and shield!

“Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced.  Therefore have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame.”

Isaiah 50:7

“The Lord is my strength

and my song;

he has become my


Psalm 118:14

I know my wife will read this today–I love you so much honey!  You will have the power of hundreds of strong believers worldwide praying for you now!  Jesus has never left us even for a moment and I know you rest and trust in Him.  Your faith is so encouraging!  I love you with all my heart!

Thank you all for your prayers and support!  Our lives are in His hands and we are His children whom He loves more than we can imagine!

Grace and peace to you all!

“The Lord is my strength

and my shield;

my heart trusts in him,

and I am helped.

My heart leaps for joy

and I will give thanks to

him in song.

The Lord is the strength of

his people,

a fortress of salvation for

his anointed one.

Save your people and bless

your inheritance;

be their shepherd and

carry them forever.”

Psalm 28:7-9

Author: Ryan Callahan

Hello, and welcome to my site! I am an independent Christian author (One Man's Very Strange Supernatural Life), blogger, and evangelist for Jesus. My main goal with this blog is to help people come to know Jesus, help people understand the Bible, and to minister to a lost and hurting world. This site is about hope, new beginnings, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love! I'm glad you are here, God bless you! Copyright © 2024 Ryan Callahan. All rights reserved.

130 thoughts on “Prayer Request For My Wife 2-7-19”

  1. You know I am praying with all my heart and faith in God, and so will your Dad be, Ryan. We pray there is no cancer! and any surgery will go smoothly and recovery will be perfect. I love you all so much. Stay strong!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Thank you Jesus, for all that You are! I pray right now, in the name of our Great Healer, Jesus Christ, that your wife has not one cancer cell formed in her perfect body. May evil have no hold on her health, and may her life continue as God has planned. Blessings on her body! Blessings on her body! Blessings on her body! To God be the glory! Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

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  3. Praying for peace during the tests. I’ve been through this. I did not have cancer. I hope she gets the same results. I have very little good to say about medical care for women in this country. Remember that you can ask for a second opinion or more tests before you make that big decision to have a hysterectomy, which is a big surgery. If your wife is having unexplained long, heavy periods, it can be something as simple as low progesterone. If she is over 30 or overweight, or has thyroid problems ( hard to diagnose) , this can start happening. Let me know if you have questions. Doctors are quick to jump to surgery.

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    1. Thank you! Yeah, I don’t trust doctors very much. They diagnosed her with PCOS and thickening endometrium, which they said could be endometrioma. She has a cyst on her right ovary too, which is causing her pain. She is 38. She went to the doctor because of heavy bleeding. She does have thyroid and hormonal imbalance issues, so the PCOS diagnosis makes sense. She will not get surgery unless it is absolutely necessary and yes, we will definitely get a second opinion if needed. Thank you for your prayers! God bless!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Sorry to hear that she has PCOS. I have that as well. As long as there is no cancer, I highly recommend progesterone therapy for all of the above. At that age I had great success with a natural cream I bought online called Emerita Pro-Gest. Vitamin Shoppe has a good price for a large tube. I used it successfully for many years! Now that I am older, I am having to take a Rx.

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      1. And Amen check out these Bible Verses.Nehemiah 8:10 New King James Version (NKJV)

        10 Then he said to them, “Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

        Job 13:15-16 New King James Version (NKJV)

        15 Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.
        Even so, I will defend my own ways before Him.
        16 He also shall be my salvation,
        For a hypocrite could not come before Him.

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  4. Greetings, I am new here but I have prayed today and will continue to pray for you and your wife at this time. There is nothing too hard for the Lord, keep trusting knowing that God is in control. Thanks so much for following my little blog!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Tuesday morning, which was day before yesterday, my doctor called and told me that the mammogram I had on January 31 revealed some “dense areas.” She said I need to go back to the hospital radiology department this Friday morning – tomorrow – for further tests.

    I had a bad attack of nerves all day Tuesday, after my doctor’s phone call. I got very little sleep Tuesday night. But the next morning, which was yesterday, shortly after I woke up, I turned on my tablet and saw your post about the Colorado man who recently survived an attack by a mountain lion. That story reminded me of how God delivered my toddler son and me from a scary close encounter with a mountain lion many years ago. I shared that story in a long comment on your post, and you replied with a comment, asking me if I had read Kirt’s amazing testimony in a comment he had left on that same post. Then I scrolled up and read his story, about how God miraculously shielded him from a physical attack. His story reminded me of how the Lord did a similar miracle for my children and me, on two separate occasions!

    In addition to being greatly encouraged by your blog post and by Kirt’s testimony yesterday, I also went to the blog of a pastor friend of mine, and read another post that reminded me of yet another amazing miracle that God did in my life, way back when I was six years old, when I was miraculously saved from being electrocuted!

    After being reminded of all these miracles yesterday, I realized how foolish I was for being anxious about the tests that I will have tomorrow morning. For truly, when we belong to Christ, we cannot die until He is ready for us to come home!

    I am praying for your wife to be healed, praying for strength, and praying for peace, for you, for your wife, and your entire family. I am praying for the Lord to bless you 100 fold, for the great blessing that your encouraging blog is to me and to so many others. Most of all, I am asking our loving, gracious, all knowing and all powerful God, for His perfect will to be done. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. Weeping may endure for a night, but JOY comes in the morning!

    No weapon formed against us shall prosper, and nothing can ever separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Our heavenly Father sends His word and heals us, and He delivers us from all our destructions. By the stripes of our precious Lord Jesus Christ we are healed, and we are set free forever from the law of sin and death! Amen and Hallelujah!

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      1. The lump was there on my mammogram last week, there on the compression test, and there at the beginning of the ultrasound this morning. Then it completely disappeared during the ultrasound! The radiologist wants me to have the tests done again in 6 months to be sure. But wow wow wow, praise the Lord! I am praying that your wife has a similar miracle!


  6. Father in heaven, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I ask You O Lord for Ryan’s wife’s health. Father, You alone have the power to strengthen [her faith] and sustain [her health] O Lord. Have mercy on this beautiful family Lord and make her whole. Give them the faith that they need for this difficult time O Lord. Reveal Yourself in such a way O Lord that they will feel Your presence. Let people see You in Ryan’s family. Use Ryan’s wife as a testimony that You O Lord save those who seek Your face and cry out to You. I ask You this O Lord in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

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      1. A side note: In Scripture it is said that God is zealous for His house and His house [the temple] is called a house of prayer. Jesus loves the prayers of the saints and that is what you are getting in behalf of all these wonderful folks praying for you and your family. In the Book of Revelation, angels carry incense to take it to God’s throne which represents the prayers of the saints. In the old testament, if the high priest didn’t light up the incense in the tabernacle, in the time of Moses, where the ark of the covenant was at, it would cost him his life, he would drop dead. That is how serious God feels about our prayers, He delights in them because it shows our dependence upon Him and it also shows that we are putting our trust in the One who can do all things. All these prayers for your family are in God’s presence and God will answer them. Stay strong and faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ. God will bless you and your family.

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      2. Amen! I was just telling my wife last night, “I can feel all the prayers everyone is praying for us.” We are definitely lifted up and encouraged despite the trial! I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease on 1-6-12 and we have been through great suffering over the last 7 years. The Lord has been faithful through it all and He will never leave us nor forsake us. Thank you for your encouragement! God bless you!

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  7. Amen I’m praying alongside you. Jeremiah 30:17, I believe in calling Jesus, and he will invoke healing immediately. God you’ve seen what your children have been through and each time you’ve pulled hem out. This time is no different. God you’ve got a hedge of protection surrounding his wife. You have lay hands on her and the sickness is completely gone. God when you said 3 or more gather, there You are in the mist of them. Here you are God, right in the mist of our prayers. You have her in the palm of your hands. Hallelujah you are faithful to keeping Your children safe! Amen!

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  8. Heavenly Father, I bring Ryan and his family to the foot of the throne, in prayer! I pray for healing for his wife, I pray that her biopsy will not show as cancerous! Father, they stand firmly on Your love; as their strength and song. I pray as they trust Your heart, and keep moving forward within Your love. You show forever strong, as their joy and shield! In Jesus’ name, Amen! God’s blessings to you and the family!

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  9. Hi Ryan. So sorry that your wife is ill but we believe the report of the Lord that by the stripes Jesus Christ she is healed and we will seal this report with an AMEN. Be blessed my brother it is done.

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