Keep The Faith!

Pic quote Hebrews 11 v 1

Hello everyone and God bless you all!  I hope this Sunday (or Monday in some parts of the world) finds you well.  I have not been so well today.  I am humbly asking for prayer from all my brothers and sisters in Christ.  I just spent the last three hours suffering a severe blood sugar issue due to my Celiac.  The morning started off fine, but after breakfast I was on my knees with my head hung low for almost three hours straight.  I felt dizzy and hot and so nauseous it dropped me to my knees.  This happens sometimes with Celiac.  I don’t know if I ate too many waffles at breakfast or what, but I had a massive blood sugar spike and I just about lost my breakfast all over the floor.  Thank God I didn’t get sick like that, but it took me since 11 a.m. to get to the point where I could stand up and walk around again.  It caused a bad headache, which usually accompanies a blood sugar drop or spike, but that went away too, praise God.  This disease can be debilitating at times, but I know the Lord is holding me.  I can feel His power in me like a lion!

Pic quote Rev 5 v 5 Lion

I was going to write a post this morning, but instead I faced another battle.  I am fighting this disease in the power of the Lord, so I appreciate your prayers!  I hold onto my faith in Jesus every day and my hope in Him is unwavering despite the constant suffering.  I am 100% sure of what I hope for and I am 100% certain of what I do not see.  Sometimes it may seem hard to keep on in the faith, but don’t ever give up!  Keep the faith!  We are not home yet and we can’t see Heaven here in the valley of the shadow of death, but we sure can feel it inside our souls!  When I was on my knees today suffering severe nausea, I whispered to the Lord through the pain and simply said, “Help me Lord.”  I could feel His power within me giving me strength in the midst of it just like I have so many times before since I was diagnosed.  I have been trained by this suffering to run to Jesus without hesitation.  He is my rock and my fortress in times of trouble.  He is my rock and my fortress in my whole life!

That is what we should be doing in all areas of our life.  Run to Jesus and don’t hesitate!  Not just when we are on our knees doubled over in pain, but at all times in all things.  One thing is for sure, when this disease knocks me to my knees, I sure get a lot of praying done and I rise stronger every time!

I’m not sure what happened today, but I know the Lord is using it and I trust He has me.  He told me He would make a way regarding my health and finances.  I know He hears my prayers and I know He loves me.  I will keep pressing on in my faith and trusting that He has good plans for me to prosper me and give me hope and a future.  If you are suffering today, know that you are not alone and you are not abandoned.  I know it hurts, believe me, I know.  I also know God’s love is greater than any hurt this world can throw at us!  Keep your faith in Jesus sure and strong!  He is alive and He is coming back soon!

“Behold, I am coming soon!  Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book.”

Jesus in Revelation 22:7

Give Jesus your pain.  Pour out your heart to Him.  Receive the free gift of salvation He offers you through faith in Him!  The power of the Holy Spirit inside of me is greater than this disease of this fallen world!  If you do not yet know that power, I pray you receive it today!  May the Lord pour out His great healing on all of us in the Name of Jesus, amen!

“That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Romans 10:9

Grace and peace to you all and thank you for your prayers!

Author: Ryan Callahan

Hello, and welcome to my site! I am an independent Christian author (One Man's Very Strange Supernatural Life), blogger, and evangelist for Jesus. My main goal with this blog is to help people come to know Jesus, help people understand the Bible, and to minister to a lost and hurting world. This site is about hope, new beginnings, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love! I'm glad you are here, God bless you! Copyright © 2024 Ryan Callahan. All rights reserved.

42 thoughts on “Keep The Faith!”

      1. Your welcome we all as Believers in Jesus have something in our lives but He knows about it and is in control of it. Blessings to you too.

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    1. Thanks brother. Yes, the Lord has shown me Job and Hezekiah many times since I was diagnosed on 1-6-12. Thank you for those verses and I say Amen to them! I know this too will turn out for my good somehow. God bless!


      1. That’s crazy! I have a horrible time with wheat but so far I’ve never been diagnosed with celiac. I gain weight instead of lose it but it does make me hurt all over if I eat it. That story was insane! I’m so amazed that you are still here to share it!

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      2. Thank you, Jesus is truly amazing! Sadly, most doctors don’t know anything about Celiac. The tests they do are not accurate and most Celiacs go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed for 10 years before they are correctly diagnosed. There are blood tests, endoscopy tests, and stool tests, but they almost always show negative even when someone is a Celiac. More doctors are starting to realize that diet elimination is the only way to truly see if someone has Celiac or not. If eating wheat makes you sick, definitely stop eating it. If I had stopped eating wheat earlier, I would not have had so much damage to my small intestine. Thank you for your encouragement today, God bless you!

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  1. Even in your pain, you find a way to write a wonderful post on Jesus and faith. Jesus is with you for sure, Ry. I am sorry, Ryan, so sorry you were that sick after having a great breakfast. I am so glad you are not sick now.
    I want to share a couple of answered prayers that happened today. I prayed that God would give your Grandpa rest his final days and this afternoon I was told he has been sleeping all day, praise God. He is weak, but at peace. Then tonight, your cousin, E, texted me to say hi. He invited us to church tonight, but I told him about Dad so I would be staying home. He wrote to say your Uncle Craig hoped that one day he and your Dad could reconcile. When I read that to your Dad, he immediately said, “He would do that”. I texted back to E what he said. He said, “Thank you, Jesus! Grandma Aud is dancing in Heaven!” We are going over there Christmas Eve. Marcia just called and talked with your Dad. I have been praying for this for years. Kim is coming home and your Dad is going over for game night the 31st. What a blessing. Eric says hi by the way.
    Thank you, Ryan, for your beautiful posts, they always mean so much and always hit home. “Thank you, Jesus!”

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    1. WOW Mom! That’s incredible! Praise God!!! I truly hope the whole Johnson family accepts Christ! I know Big E loves Jesus and he has been preaching to them for years. E and I talk a lot on Twitter. I’m so glad you will all be together for Christmas Eve. I wonder if they will talk about my book. I sent everyone a copy. Would love to hear what they think. I haven’t been with them at Christmastime since we were kids! I’m so glad Grandpa is feeling better too! Thanks for the encouragement too. I will be okay. I’ve been through worse. Huge blessings, thank You Jesus! Love you guys!


  2. Thanks, Ryan. It makes me so happy your Dad said that, he didn’t even hesitate. In one second I told E his response, and he quickly asked about Christmas Eve, and in a blink if an eye we had plans made! It was a God send, Ryan. E said it could only be better if you and Rachel and family were there.. that would be the best! Sure pray for that.

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  3. Good morning Ryan, praying for you now that His strength and cleansing prepare you for a new day. I love how you described running to Jesus and how your disease taught you that. What a blessing you are to share your humble need for our Lord because whether we have a disease or not, we all need Him. I will speak for myself, I desperately need Jesus.

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  4. Greater is he that is in you
    you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, which means that the very life of God is in you.
    whatsoever that is born of God overcomes the world (sickness etc).
    No reason to give in

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