Remember that time when…

Colorado rainbow best

If you have been reading my blog for awhile or you have read my book “One Man’s Very Strange Supernatural Life,” then you know that I have lived through some very intense supernatural experiences.  You also know that those experiences started when my family moved to Illinois when I was a kid and we moved into a house that was possessed by a demon.  I want to talk about a memory my Mom reminded me of after I had written my book.  Unfortunately I did not include this in my book, but I am writing it now.  It is not something that I would like to remember, but I am glad my Mom brought it up.  I also want to tell you about the angels and the Holy Spirit miracle too.  May the Lord’s will be done with it.

I pray this is a blessing and encouragement to everyone who reads it and the Lord uses it to save souls, amen!  This is why I am out here preaching every day and if these things had not happened to me, I probably would have never accepted Christ.  I hope this can help someone who is struggling with belief.  I want you to remember something: God most definitely exists, God loves you, and nothing is impossible for God!

Everyone has memories.  Our family’s memories are very strange and hard to deal with sometimes.  Even now, the evil one uses these memories to try and bring me down and discourage me.  I just rebuke him and remind him that he is defeated by the Blood of Jesus that I am covered in and I declare that I am a child of God and Jesus is Lord!

Living in that house was a nightmare!  I was in the middle of my 8th grade year when we moved, so I was at a very vulnerable age.  My little sister is two years younger, so imagine how scary it was for her!  It all started when we woke up to crayon marks all over our walls leading up the stairs.  The next day the marks were on the ceiling too.  Then it just got freakier and more terrifying as time went on.

The time my Mom reminded me of was when the demon knocked two of our big framed pieces of art off the walls of our bedrooms (my sister and I) downstairs and it lit a candle in my sister’s room.  Yeah, they can do that!  They can touch and move and mess with things in our physical realm!  But so can angels and they fight them and believers in Jesus Christ are protected, so do not fear!  I am speaking about a time in the past when my family did not believe in Jesus yet!  We were delivered from that darkness and that is why I am so passionate about Jesus!

Yes, I do remember that time when the demon knocked two pieces of art off our walls and lit a candle in my sister’s room.  Mine was a really nice photo of a wolf with a nice frame and it knocked it to the floor!  Those are the types of things demons do to drive you insane and terrorize you with crippling fear!  Coming downstairs to that mess and then seeing a candle flickering that was not flickering before you left the room is very, very scary!!!  I lived in constant fear my entire four years in high school.  It made a breathing noise in my ear and my sister saw a dark figure standing in the corner of her room watching her one night!  This is not a joke folks, these are my family memories!

What did you do in high school?  Prom King or Queen?  Letter jacket?  Football star?  You know what I did?  I went home every day to a demon from hell that lived in our house!  I slept with the light on all four years freshman through senior year.  It was a hellish nightmare straight from satan and I rebuke him in the NAME of Jesus Christ!!!  I stand victorious in the Blood of Jesus Christ and I am a redeemed child of God!  Nothing can snatch me out of His hand!  AMEN!

I got saved in college in October of 1996.  When I went home for Christmas break in December, I walked through the front door of my parent’s house and the very first thing I did was run through the whole house going room to room rebuking that demon out in the Name of Jesus!  It was RAD!!!  I was filled with Holy power from the Spirit and I went through that house like SWAT!

The demon fled and never returned and a peace descended on our home like never before!  My Mom talked about how she could feel it in the house and she could feel that the demon was gone!  It was incredible and after that my whole family got saved!  I had been preaching to them since I accepted Christ and after they witnessed the power of God coming through me and defeating real evil, that was it!  We all believe in Jesus and we have for a long time!  Thank You Jesus, You are Lord!!!

Intro To Angels

I want to tell you about the angels that I encountered in 1998 too.  Many people have asked me to share about the angels on my blog, so I will give you the quick version of all these events due to my book contract with Amazon.  Remember, if you want a copy of my book, just contact me through my blog and I will email you a free eBook directly from Amazon.  Many people have taken me up on the offer, so thank you all!

In the summer of 1998 I was with my friends on two different occasions and on both of those occasions angels showed up to help and protect.  It’s okay, it’s really not that weird after what I lived through in high school.  God just kept on showing me supernatural things and I assume He will continue to do this throughout my life since I got saved that way.  I know it is all true, so it is not weird to me.  I am always ready for it.  I literally expect an angel to show up at any time, literally.  I even pray for my angel too.  I ask God to encourage him and put a new song in his heart.  I have been following Jesus for 22 years now and this I can tell you for certain, God can do anything!  Nothing is impossible for God!

Angel Encounter #1

My first experience with an angel was absolutely incredible and you will think I am crazy (if you don’t already after the demon memories), but that’s okay.  I share it anyway.  People need to know these things are real!  Everything in the Bible is truth and true history!

My friends and I were coming back from a late night dinner and it was almost midnight in Denver.  Not a good time to be on the streets.  I worked at the YMCA of Estes Park that summer in ’98 and I went down to Denver to visit two of my sisters in Christ (Kelly and Jamie) from college with a great brother in Christ I met at the YMCA named Drew.

As we parked at the curb in front of my friend Jamie’s apartment, this guy with no shirt or shoes came over to us and asked us to help him find his dog.  He looked high as a kite on something.  The girls walked over and stood in front of the apartment and my friend Drew and I started looking for the dog.  We got separated and I found myself alone in the apartment complex parking lot across the street from my friend’s apartment.

As I walked looking for the dog, I started hearing yelling and fighting coming from the ground level apartment at the edge of the lot.  The blinds were getting crushed against the window as one guy got slammed against the glass.  The next thing I saw was that same guy who asked for help with his dog come running out of the apartment for his life.

Right after that another man came to the door yelling and cussing at the guy.  He saw me and he walked out of the apartment towards me and stood under a street light.  At that time I saw he was holding a kitchen butcher knife as the light glinted off the blade!

He yelled and cussed at me and I told him, “Hey man, I’m not your guy, I’m not in this!”  It didn’t matter.  He thought I was the guy he had been fighting.  I am a tall skinny white guy just like the guy with the lost dog was.

He bent down in an aggressive posture with the knife in his right hand blade pointed down and he came right at me!  I just stood there frozen.  I was very young and I had just accepted Christ two years earlier.  I kept thinking that this guy needs Jesus, but then all I could hear in my mind was, “run! angels! run! you’re going to die!”  Right at that moment, I turned to run, but he was already so close I thought for sure he was going to stab me in the back with that big knife!

God had other plans for me and it was the first time He showed me His team!  As I turned to run, I felt a light pressure under my armpits and I was lifted up a couple inches off the ground!  I accelerated incredibly fast, faster than I could ever run and the trees and cars were a blur as I flew by them!  Yes, I said flew!   My angel was carrying me!  I started giggling like a little kid because I looked down and my feet were still running in the air.  After that I stopped moving my feet and just enjoyed the ride!

I looked forward and I could see my three friends standing on the sidewalk in front of Jamie’s apartment complex looking for me.  I flew right across the street in front of them and the angel sat me down next to my friend Drew.  As my feet touched the sidewalk, my friend Drew jumped like I had snuck up on him and he said, “where did you come from?!!!”

You see folks, my friends couldn’t see me and neither could the guy with the knife!  My angel lifted me up, hid me, and protected me from evil!  The guy chasing me was gone and I was still laughing when Drew asked me that.  I told him through laughter that a guy with a knife just chased me.  I didn’t get to tell him about the angel until later.

We called the cops, they came, and they arrested the guy with the knife.  He was high on crack and that man was going to kill me!  We talked with the cops, I identified the guy, and the big cop told us to go inside and we never heard about it again.  My friends and I rejoiced that night over what God did to save me and it is an awesome memory that I will never forget!  I never saw the angel, but I felt him lift me off the ground and take me for a ride!  Hallelujah Lord Jesus, thank You!!!

Angel Encounter #2

The second time it happened that same summer was different and this time I saw him!  I was hanging out with two brothers in Christ (Matt and Willie) from college that night.  We were at Matt’s house just down the street a couple blocks from Denver University.  We were sitting in the living room talking and as I sat there I began to stare at the back wall at the end of the hallway that led to the bedrooms.  I felt like I was going to see something and I couldn’t break my gaze away from the wall.  It became quiet and I couldn’t hear my friends.

At that moment I saw what looked like snowing sparkles of light and an angel appeared at the end of the hallway where I was staring.  He was huge!  His head almost touched the ceiling and his shoulders almost touched the walls and he was beautiful!  He had what looked like a robe draped over his shoulders that went all the way to the floor, which I assume were his wings.  I couldn’t see any facial features.  It was more like the outline of a huge person and he was filled with the sparkling snowing light.

Right when I realized what I was looking at, he spoke to me and said, “God has something for you to do.”  I simply said in return, “okay.”

After that, the angel disappeared and I snapped out of my gaze.  My friends were staring at me in awe and I told them what had happened and what the angel said.  They immediately jumped up and headed for the door without saying a word.  They are my brothers in Christ and they were moving in the power of the Spirit!

I followed behind them.  We got in Matt’s SUV and we drove up the street towards DU.  We ended up finding a woman just standing on the sidewalk and she looked like she was waiting for something.  As we pulled up, a very angry and violent man was yelling at her from an apartment balcony.  We told her the Lord had sent us and we offered her a ride to safety and she accepted.  We dropped her off at her friend’s house off Colfax and she was safe that night.  God saved that woman and that is why He sent the angel to get us up to go help her!  He most likely saved her from domestic abuse or murder with how angry that guy was!  Praise God!!!

Praise God He still sends angels to help us!  Glory to God!!!

That Time I Stopped Breathing

God did one more amazing supernatural thing in my life 14 years after the angel encounters in 2012 and this was even more incredible than casting the demon out and the angel encounters!  I had not encountered angels since 1998 by the way or any other supernatural event, so I thought maybe that part of my life was over.  I was wrong.  On 4-28-2012 at the age of 33 I stopped breathing due to anaphylactic shock from eating oats.  I died for a short time, I was outside my body in the Spirit, I was with Jesus and although I didn’t see Him He told me “It’s okay,” and then I was put back in my body in the powerful wind of the Holy Spirit!  If you want to read about that, check out my post “My Lazarus Moment.”

Final Thoughts

I know it all sounds totally nuts.  Angels, demons, dying and coming back like Lazarus.  I know, believe me, I know.  These are my memories folks!  What else can I do, but tell people?  I want the wonders of God to be known!  I tried to keep all of this inside for years and finally God pressed on me so much to write the book and start the blog that I submitted and started writing.  I published the book in March of this year and I just started the blog on August 10th.  It will be 3 months blogging tomorrow!

Everything you read on this blog comes from the pain I lived through, the victory I gained in Jesus, and from 22 years walking with Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit.  This is my life and this is my heart poured out to the world.

I literally never know what God is going to do!  I got saved in 1996 because a demon lived with my family for 4 years, then I had two angel encounters in Denver in 1998, and then I stopped breathing and came back in the wind of the Holy Spirit in 2012!  These are my memories folks!  I am only alive today because God used an angel to rescue me from certain death in 1998 and God gave me breath back in 2012!  I can testify that Jesus Christ is alive and you need to believe in Him to go to Heaven!

What kind of memories do you have of what God has done in your life?  And let me ask one more thing.  If these things had happened to you, would you tell people, or would you hide it for fear of ridicule and judgement?

I don’t care if people think I’m weird or whatever.  I am living for God and I am here to do His will and He wants me to share my testimony, so here I am.  It was not my time to go yet–twice!  I am alive by the grace of God and I praise Him for His wonders and mighty acts!  I praise Him for His grace and mercy and I praise Him for letting me live!  May my breath bring glory to the Lord for the rest of my days!

Thank You Jesus for everything You have done for our family!  Glory to Your Name!  You are the King of kings and Lord of lords and by your Name alone evil is cast out and defeated!  By Your Name alone we are saved!  I have testified to the truth.  May my testimony in this post, in my book, and on this entire blog be a record of the power of Jesus Christ before all of Heaven and earth!

Grace and peace to you all!

“Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?”

Hebrews 1:14

“Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Matthew 19:26

“Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?”

John 11:40





Author: Ryan Callahan

Hello, and welcome to my site! I am an independent Christian author (One Man's Very Strange Supernatural Life), blogger, and evangelist for Jesus. My main goal with this blog is to help people come to know Jesus, help people understand the Bible, and to minister to a lost and hurting world. This site is about hope, new beginnings, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love! I'm glad you are here, God bless you! Copyright © 2024 Ryan Callahan. All rights reserved.

53 thoughts on “Remember that time when…”

  1. Amen and praise God man! I’ve had experiences while praying I believe three times if I remember correctly? I’ve written about it before in a blog. Can’t remember title? The overwhelming presence of God was so evident! Also, once my buddy had ran his car off of the road one night around 2000. It was snowing and he hit a bend in the road too quickly. He ended up in a wooden area and struck a tree. He called us with a cell phone he happened to have and gave us a vague hint at where he was. “Tiffany corner!” he kept yelling. My girlfriend, who was his sister, remembered a girl they had grown up with not far from our home. We rushed there, and sure enough he was in the woods next to Tiffany’s house. When we reached him he was disoriented and had a messed up foot from the wreck.
    Somehow (maybe assisted by an angel?), I was able to get my 350lb buddy out of the car, carried through the woods, into my vehicle and to our house.
    He later told me I had carried him. He was amazed, and it never really dawned on me until he said it. I was a little over half his weight at the time.
    I believe your stories brother. Demons are very real. I’ve witnessed my share of them though people!
    Keep spreading His truths my friend. 🙏

    Liked by 4 people

  2. I’m being honest I had a few giggles and laughs throughout the reading of your testimonies! Especially the one when the angel flew you over the road. But I do believe what you say my brother! God is REAL! Angels are REAL! AND of course Satan and his demons!
    One night I was praying and after I got up after praying something landed in the corner of my war room. It sounded like wings flapped and I saw a piece of newspaper raised up from the ground. I believe it was an angel landed in my room but I couldn’t see it. God’s presence is so real and just powerful as well. A night while in deep prayer the fire of the Holy Spirit fell upon me and I couldn’t stop praying in tongues! I started to pray in the spirit so loud, my body felt like it was lifting off the ground and my body was covered in large drops of sweat! I felt like I was on FIRE! MY GOSH! People! Get to know God! He is very real! The spiritual realm is very real too as well been there a couple of times trust me no lie!!! Glory Oh God worthy is the living and eternal Lamb of God! I’m on FIRE for Him! I love you Lord Jesus!!!! ❤
    Blessings my brother!!!! Glory!!!

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Good post tonight, Ryan. I am still in awe when I read what happened to you in Denver with the angel in the hallway, and the one who picked you up to save you from that crazy man. We came so close to losing you that night, (and on Long’s Peak), and I can’t thank God enough for sending angels to protect you!!!! I also thank Jesus for being with you to comfort you when you died for those short seconds. I am so grateful you came back to us.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. I would have to talk to Dad about his miraculous experiences before describing them. (And of course, he’s still recovering from the stroke. Appreciate your prayers.) Some of my own “weird” experiences – such as hot breath on my face in the middle of the night – are similar to yours. (Thankfully, I haven’t experience that for a while.) Others (again, stuff I haven’t experience in a while) include seeing things in the dark (and a couple times I could have sworn there was a figure standing at the end of my bed).
        And then, of course, I’ve twice experienced a time slip.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That is awesome! God can do anything! The time slip sounds cool! It makes me think of when the Holy Spirit transported Phillip! I’m glad you haven’t had any more bad weird stuff. I will definitely pray for your Dad brother. God bless you and your family!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Actually, time slipping – even though the slip was minor (it was a slip of time, not Philip’s teleportation) – is quite freaky. I used to wonder how people who had experience a time slip found it freaky. Now that I’ve experience it, well…
        Both times were a few years ago. The first time, I needed a ruler (I was homeschooled). Mum told me there was one on the little desk in the far corner of the lounge. I went to that desk, passing Dad on the phone at the computer desk, talking to a Messianic contact. The computer was on, as were his emails. I happened to glance at Dad’s inbox as I passed. At the very top of the inbox was a new, unread email from the contact, titled “Hannah”. Right below that was a read email about AiG’s Ark Encounter. I went to the little desk and got the ruler. Just after I passed Dad’s desk, I heard Dad say, “No, it hasn’t come through yet.” On a hunch (I had been reading about a number of time slip cases), I quickly darted back and looked – and the email “Hannah” WAS NOT THERE! (The Ark email was now at the top.) A second later, I saw (and I saw this with my own eyes) the email title “Hannah” arrive. (Now, it just so happened that Hannah was the contact’s dog, and the email contained a photo of her. Now, I had earlier heard Dad on the phone mention something about a dog, although I never caught the name, didn’t pay much attention, or knew the contact was about to send an email. And yet I saw it in Dad’s inbox BEFORE IT WAS SENT!)
        In the second occurrence, Dad was out (I can’t remember if he was out shopping or something, or if he was away on a trip). Dad rung, and Mum was talking to him. While she was talking, the microwaved beeped – meaning it had preheated. Mum quietly asked me to sort it out. She then continued talking. I briskly walked into the kitchen, opened the microwave, hesitated for a second, and then saw Mum standing RIGHT BEHIND ME! How the hell she managed that – when she is notoriously slow (a running joke in the family – but true), when there had only been a few seconds passed, when she had CONTINUED TO TALK ON THE PHONE, and when I had been walking quickly (and trust me – there was NO WAY that my mother could have matched me), I’ll never know. My sister was lying on the couch at the time. She later told me (when I told her about it) that yes, Mum had continued talking for a short while longer (which makes her being behind me even more impossible) AND that while she hadn’t thought about it at the time, there WAS a bit of time between when I entered the kitchen and when I opened the microwave – time which (from my perspective) simply didn’t exist. Did I skip several seconds – maybe even a minute or two – of time? I can’t help but wonder.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. That is truly incredible brother! Some things we just can’t explain. Something like that happened to a group of my friends from college. They were driving up in the mountains here and they got caught in a storm. They were completely surrounded by what seemed like a snowy cloud and it was hard to see the road. When they came through it, they were at their destination which was still several hours away on the other side of the mountains! When they got back to campus none of them could explain it, but they had all experienced it. God is a God of wonders! Amen!

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Dee! I appreciate the encouragement! I have had a very weird life and at times it has made me feel a bit nuts. My memories are not like everyone else’s memories. I’ll never forget what it felt like to be lifted off the ground, I will never forget how beautiful the angel was, and I will never forget when Jesus walked over to me and said, “It’s okay” after I stopped breathing. Jesus truly is Lord and I love Him so much! Thank you for taking the time to read my testimony. I hope it encourages all who read it that nothing is impossible with God and He can truly do anything at anytime! God bless you sister!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I feel so much peace after reading your supernatural encounters. I am in a place in my walk of salvation that is filled with questions. To the extent they are waying me down. Reading your encounters has brought so much peace to my heart. Thank you for sharing. May God Bless you always!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Ryan, I’ve seen your name many times on posts from a lot of people that I follow and finally, you and I are following one another! I love how God works! I just finished reading a number of your posts. I don’t doubt anything that you have said. Matter of fact I also have experienced some of the things that you have but in slightly different ways. One of our daughters, who was about 7 or 8 years old at the time, used to have an evil spirit appear at the door of her room at night but it could not get into her room. It had red eyes and scared the heck out of her her. I also went from room to room like you did and that stopped the appearances immediately. We had five children and they were all younger than my daughter, who was our first born. I was involved with Church and Sunday School at the time plus I was active with a group of young men who were zealous at following the Lord. And although I have never died like you did, I have been in the presence of God and like you said, it is difficult to put how that felt into words although I have tried to do so in this link: It truly is amazing how God intervenes in our lives and how He watches over us. It’s been many years since those events have happened but He still sustains us to this very day. There are many other experiences that have happened along the way that continually demonstrate God’s love and grace but they are too numerous to touch on them all here. My wife and I are both 74 years old now and time has taken its toll on our bodies but we are still managing and very blessed. And now, finally, our paths have crossed. Thank you Lord! I look forward to exchanging comments and thoughts with you and lifting one another up in prayer. God’s grace and blessings to you and yours Ryan!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Bruce, it’s great to meet you sir! Thank you for sharing your powerful testimony! It is truly amazing what God can do in our lives! I look forward to having fellowship with you! God bless you and your family!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Ryan, you aren’t nuts! There have been two Lazarus’ moments for me in my life. And I also believe in the angels as I know in one of my moments, when I was dead or close to it, God spoke to me. I have angel moments quite often. It can be while I’m “spared” something else tragic or a split-moment move that comes only from the help of Christ’s angels. And, like you, I rebuke Satan in the name of our Christ Savior and Lord! And in houses at times, like you. God bless you!

    Liked by 1 person

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