My Lazarus Moment

John 11 v 40 if you believe

Okay, I have been wanting to focus on this specific part of my life since I started the blog.  I have touched on it a few times, but I need to fully explain it.  If you have been reading my blog or you read my book, then you know that I stopped breathing on April 28, 2012 due to anaphylactic shock.  What happened after I stopped breathing is what I want to talk about!

Many of you are familiar with the true historical account of Lazarus in the Bible.  He is a man who died and was in a tomb for four days before Jesus brought him back to life!  It is an awesome section of Scripture and I highly recommend reading it.  You can find it in John 11:1-44.

“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life.  He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.  Do you believe this?”

John 11:25-26

“When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!”  The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face.  Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.”

John 11:43-44

I am telling you that Jesus is still the resurrection and the life and He still pulls off Lazarus miracles in our time!  Yes, I am proof of that, and no, I’m not crazy!  It happened to me a little over six years ago.  My wife was there and she witnessed the whole thing!  Let me explain.

After being diagnosed with Celiac Disease on January 6, 2012 my whole world fell apart.  I was dying from starvation due to severe damage to my small intestine and I only weighed 128 pounds.  I am just an inch over six feet tall, so that is deathly thin folks, deathly.  I immediately went gluten free (no wheat, barley, or rye) and also found out through painful trial and error that I could no longer have dairy, soy, eggs, coconut, or NSAIDS either.  The doctor forgot to mention that oats can kill some people with Celiac.  I found that out the hard way!

On 4-28-2012 I ate an oat bread sandwich that was supposedly “gluten free.”  Well, oats are not gluten free because the protein in oats causes the same or even more severe reaction than the protein found in wheat.  Celiacs should never eat oats!

About an hour or so after I ate that sandwich, I went into anaphylaxis.  The pain was unbearably torturous over my entire body!  Like hot knives stabbing me!  I did not have an epi-pen because the doctor who diagnosed me never told me I needed one.  I suffered in agony from around 11:30 a.m. that day until around 11:30 that night.  At the end of that fight, I died.  Wait, let it sink in.  Yes, I died.  Only for a short time, but I was gone, done, end of the road.

Is it starting to make sense why I am so passionate about Jesus and I will never ever stop talking about Him and giving Him glory?!  Yes, my friends!  I have had a very strange supernatural life and that is why I am out here doing this telling it to the world!

What happened that night in 2012 you ask?  As midnight approached, my chest started becoming very tight.  I could not fight the extreme pain of my body attacking me in a full blown auto-immune nightmare anymore.  It started feeling like something heavy was pressing on my chest.  I was army crawling on the floor laid out on my stomach trying to get away from the pain, but I couldn’t.  I started to feel my breath leaving and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to take another breath.  You can feel the elasticity of your lungs going away.  It’s very weird.

Right at that moment with my last breath I yelled out loudly, “Help me Jesus!”  After that, I left my body and I was in a peaceful place just floating there and I wasn’t in any pain anymore!  I was still me, but I wasn’t in my body and I was fully aware of that!  Once I realized what had just happened, I felt the Lord walk over to me from my right and He simply said, “It’s okay.”  I could not see Him, but I knew it was Him!  I know His voice and I could feel His comfort and love all around me and through me!  He did not let me see Him or Heaven.  It was like lying down in a peaceful place with your eyes closed.  It didn’t matter.  He was with me and He protected and comforted me in my greatest time of need!  The peace and painlessness was so beautiful I can’t explain it.  There is no pain, none at all!  I was in perfect peace!  I am not scared to die!  I am quite looking forward to it.

I wanted to go with Him, but as I turned towards Jesus I saw an image of my kids like in a picture off to the upper left.  That is the only thing I could see and as I turned towards my kids, I was immediately caught up in a rushing wind.  It was all around me and it felt as though it was blowing straight up from my feet to my head in a swirl all around me.  The wind put me back in my body and I heard it come to a stop, then I opened my eyes and I was back in my bedroom again full of searing pain.  Do you know what the wind was?  The Holy Spirit just like in Acts!

“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.  Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.”

Acts 2:1-2

My wife was kneeling over my body praying for me.  She told me later that as she prayed, the sound of a rushing wind came into the room, she saw my mouth open, the wind went into my mouth and I took a huge deep breath and came back to life!  My wife said she watched me die and I was dead.  She said there was no breath in me.  She prayed over my lifeless body and I came back!  I know, it still blows my mind too, and I’m the one that lived it!

Please understand what I am telling you!  This is not a joke and I don’t get paid for this.  I give away my book for free to anyone who wants one (contact me through my blog and ask for one and I will do it).  Amazon is just a means to deliver my testimony to the world.  I write about my faith for free every day on this blog.  Freely I received from the Lord, so freely I will give.  I want you to go to Heaven and that is a free gift from God!

Okay, deep breath.  So, I shouldn’t be here right now.  I am only here because Jesus put me back.  It was not my time to go yet.  He still had work for me to do and I am doing that right now.  He is still the resurrection and the life and He says when it’s time for me to go.  Death thought it had a hold on me, but it did not and it does not.  When it is my final time to go, I will pass from this life to eternal glory in the power of the Holy Spirit and I will live forever in His glorious peace!  So will all of His children!

I am so thankful to be alive!  I am so glad my kids still have their Daddy and my wife has her husband!  I give you glory Lord Jesus!!!  It is still very hard for my wife to talk about that night.  She has a memory of my dead body laying there on our bedroom floor as she cried out to God to bring me back.  She thought she was going to be a widow and a single Mom.  I try to help her focus on the part where I came back to life though!

I stopped asking God why my life has been so strange a long time ago.  Look, I got saved because I lived in a real haunted house all through my high school years.  My walk with Christ has been supernatural ever since.  Angels, demons, and Holy Spirit wind!  Is it weird and kind of hard to hear somebody talk about these things?  Yeah, I’m sure it is, but I have to tell everyone.  God told me to share it, so people can come to Christ.  I am not worried about people judging me or mocking me.  I trust that the Spirit will confirm these things to everyone.  I am accountable to God and He is sovereign over my life.

Don’t waste your time on this earth.  You only have today and the breath you have in your lungs is very precious.  You will find that out when it’s your time to go.  You cannot earn salvation on your own.  If you could, then Jesus would not have had to die.  Everything in the Bible is true!  I cannot stress that enough.  This is not a game.  There is a battle for souls going on all around us, and you need Jesus to be victorious and go to Heaven!  No other faith offers forgiveness of sins.  Only Jesus can offer you that.

Jesus still raises people from death and the Holy Spirit still sounds like a mighty wind!  May the Lord reveal Himself to you in new and mighty ways and may He open your minds and hearts to His truth!  In the Name of Jesus, Amen!

Grace, mercy, peace, and forgiveness to you all!

Jesus Christ is Lord

Romans 10 v 9



Author: Ryan Callahan

Hello, and welcome to my site! I am an independent Christian author (One Man's Very Strange Supernatural Life), blogger, and evangelist for Jesus. My main goal with this blog is to help people come to know Jesus, help people understand the Bible, and to minister to a lost and hurting world. This site is about hope, new beginnings, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love! I'm glad you are here, God bless you! Copyright © 2024 Ryan Callahan. All rights reserved.

68 thoughts on “My Lazarus Moment”

      1. It’s a long story…kind of like yours. Maybe I will email. I have never witnessed someone coming back from the dead before. But now I have. You don’t have to persuade me that your story is true. God is still moving, alive and powerful, as ever before.

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Dee!

      God has truly shown me that anything is possible with Him! It was crazy! Just when I thought all the supernatural things were over, the Lord does it again! I never know what to expect! My walk with Christ started because of a demon, then I had two angel encounters in ’98, and then just when I thought all of those things were over, 14 years later in 2012 He does a supernatural miracle for me to save my life!

      Every day I fully know and expect that God can and will do miracles, supernatural events, or anything else He wants to do in our lives! Walking with Jesus is more awesome than any of us could ever imagine!

      God bless you Dee!
      If you had a chance to read it, how did you like my book?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. It’s so cool how He has a unique plan for each of our lives. Like spiritual fingerprints! I’ve not had the opportunity to read your book yet, but plan to this weekend. I’m really looking forward to it. Thanks again for gifting it to me! Have a great day!!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. I believe you, Ryan! God is gonna use everything you’ve been through—even the “unbelievably supernatural.”
    There are people that are facing things like in your book and don’t tell a soul, for fear that others would think they’re crazy. But all they have to do is read the Bible. Things like that are all through it! Like Numbers 22:8. Im sure you have read this story. I’m gonna buy your book soon! Hope you have a blessed day!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Wow! This is incredible. Thank you for sharing. Thank the Lord you came back. 🙏🏻 How wonderful to not fear death. That has to be such a comfort my brother.

    I hope to feel the peace you felt one day. 💕

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow wow wow!!! My sisters heart stopped for 17 seconds and she had several of the same sensations but mostly a knowing it wasn’t her time. Your story is incredible and I praise the Lord you are using it to share the gospel. Praise HIM!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you and amen! It was the most excruciating pain and the most beautiful peace and painlessness I have ever felt, and it was all in the same day. I will never forget the Lord walking over to me and comforting me with His words and presence! He is alive and we should all be so very thankful for our salvation! I hope all believers realize just how truly great it is to be saved! It all comes down to our last breath and we all desperately need Jesus.

      I have had a very weird life. I am actually out here preaching because God called me to share my strange testimony with the world and preach the Gospel. I had been silent about it for far too long and God pressed on me to tell the world what He has done for me. I actually published my testimony on Amazon. It’s called “One Man’s Very Strange Supernatural Life.”

      I got saved because my family moved into a house that was possessed by a demon when I was in the middle of my 8th grade year. We lived with that evil and were tormented by it my entire 4 years in High School. We were not saved back then. After I got saved my freshman year in college, I went back home that Christmas break and rebuked the demon out of our house in the Name of Jesus. I met Jesus through amazing and terrifying supernatural events and my life has continued to be supernatural ever since 8th grade.

      Fast forward two years later in 1998 and I had two encounters with angels that summer that further changed my life and strengthened my faith. Then 14 years later on 4-28-2012 is when I stopped breathing and God did the Holy Spirit miracle to save me.

      That’s what I mean by I’ve had a very weird life, hence the book title. I give away my book for free. I can buy ebook copies and gift them to people. If you would like a copy, just shoot me an email to: and I will email you a free ebook directly from Amazon.

      You don’t need a Kindle. I just use the free Kindle app on my phone. Works great and the books look great on there too.

      Thanks for reading my post! God bless!

      Liked by 1 person

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